Monday, 15 October 2012

Second Chances....

Do you believe in second chances?  Either for yourself or others....
Have you ever made a rash decision and done or said something that you regret and wish for your time over? Or have you felt hurt by the actions or words - or lack of actions or words of another and decided to turn away? Or are you someone that will simply turn away and strike others for life if you deem that they have wronged you???
For  most of my life I have been a definite 'people pleaser'. I really truly like people and I really truly like people to like me, I was brought up very strongly to 'do the right thing' by others and along the journey have developed spiritual beliefs that make me always try and see my part in any altercation, try to live a life of forgiveness and acceptance of others....
Sounds nice doesn't it?!
What I am beginning to realise is that while I may like to try and live my life by all of these values, there are many, many people in the world - indeed in MY world that do not travel the same pathways, do not have the same personality type and do not view the world through my eyes or via my experiences and that my friends is where things become unstuck! The past year or so has been a very strong journey of discovery for me, about me - I have learned how much I was valuing the worth of others above my own, I have learned to what degree I have enabled others behaviours under the guise of being a good friend (not knowingly and with the best of intentions but it doesn't change the fact that it is not helpful to anyones growth) and I have been reminded that we all perceive life from our own experiences, hangups and issues and that perception  is our own version of reality which means that everyone we interact with is filtering from THEIR version of reality and that can lead to a whole lot of misunderstanding!
Another realisation I have had is how little I share about how I truly feel when something has upset me hmmmm theres that pesky worthiness issues again!
Back to second chances - Everyone has their own experiences and perceptions and reasons they make decisions about cutting ties etc with others and for me it is kind of a case by case basis but for now I am grateful for the growth lesson that came about from this experience both for myself and a friendship that I thought was gone and although it doesn't always work out this way, today I am grateful for second chances.
Is there anyone in your life that deserves a second chance?

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