Friday 20 January 2012

My Feet Are Now a Metaphor for My Life

Feet…. Feet are really kind of gross, not too many people around the place have pretty feet and I cant say I know hardly anyone who actually likes their feet (or anyone else’s for that matter!) and I am certainly no different there. BUT in order to make the most of the feet that I do have I really have to nurture them and care for them or they go all crusty and dry and that is REALLY GROSS!!

To me it seems such a chore to exfoliate my feet EVERY day then rub some sort of cream or lotion into them AND find a pair of cotton socks to put on and walk around in while it all soaks in PHEW that seems like a lot of work!! This is a process that I need to go through almost every day, if I don’t (due to , my penchant for wearing open shoes, thongs or no shoes at all) my feet dry out very quickly and resemble something like the surface of the moon – arid, lined and cratered with a white chalky colour NOT a good look and certainly NOT acceptable in my vain little world.

Ok, getting off track a little so to bring me back to ,y point (there is a point that is meaningful I promise) I had yet another epiphany – seriously if I keep going this way I will reach the heights of ‘spiritual guru’ by the end of this year, and then what?!) about everything being related to everything, in my life at least, then this tiresome daily process is all a part of me making myself worthy enough to slow down and take time to honour what my body needs for it to be in its optimal condition. And really, where better to start than at my feet?!

Like most women I am always working on improving my perceived ‘faults’ in the physical realm and for me since my outward appearance seems to be far too linked to my self – worth, if I start with something small like my feet (actually they’re not that small but I’m talking in relation to the rest of me) then when I can commit fully to the needs of my feet then I may also be able to honour myself and my body enough to listen to its food related needs – as opposed to ignoring what I find ‘inconvenient’ (a series of intolerances that I sometimes ignore until I get quite sick then can no longer ignore).

I do sometimes wonder why theses lessons in my life become so tiresome and tedious and I get answered by the universe that basically what do I expect? Afterall they are MY lessons so somewhere along the line I signed myself up for this. After this kind of a statement I’m really quite sure that ‘whoever is out there’ also adds “Well duuhhh” and rolls their eyes at me for being so human!

So in summing up, my feet are now my life (kind of) and as I want to continue to keep and grow my new found higher self - worth then I will have to continue to listen, as well as act upon, what it is that I am told or feel is my truth hmmmmmm ……………..

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