Wednesday 14 March 2012

Surrender and Release

Is there really anyone out there that is able to completely relinquish control to all aspects of their lives?? I like to think that I am fairly easy going, that I can roll with the punches, trust in the universe and follow up of synchronicity and opportunities. BUT there are moments (sometimes many moments I hate to admit) that I just want to control and change and fix and have MY WAY as I think it should be.
For me a prime example is my never ending 'battle' with my weight and the utter frustration I feel at not being able to just 'fix' myself and have the body I desire. I have a logical understanding that I am not morbidly obese, I am not at a weight that is dangerous to my health (that I am aware of) but I am overweight in my own view and out of all of the achievements I have made in my life to date, I see my biggest failure to be my current, unacceptable weight. I have always been someone that 'makes' things happen for myself - I wanted to change careers so I  in found a way to study while my children were small that fitted with my life but took me to my goal, generally if I don't like something my life, I change it but to my great and utter dismay, no matter what I try to do to change my weight (or perhaps my opinion of my appearance and current weight) it does not seem to change.
This leads me back to my initial question of control - it is my belief that the harder you push against something, the harder it pushes back and so to this end it would make sense for me to stop trying to 'force' my weight down but rather 'release' it to the universe or the Gods of Karmic weight loss or anyone that would be willing to take it from me really!
The problem that I have is the utter fear that if I just relax for a moment, just try to 'surrender and release' then I will instantly blow up like the Auntie on the Harry Potter movie like a big balloon and absolute disaster and anarchy will reign throughout my body (are you getting the idea that I may be a little hung up on this issue?)
Even as I think about this and type the words onto the screen, I realise how much power and control I am giving to what is really such a small part of who I am but once that little control monster gets hold of you it is just so hard to let it go.....

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