Sunday 1 July 2012

Following Synchronicity

Do you believe in synchronicity? I certaintly do...
For me synchronicity means following the 'signs' as I see them coming up in my life. Those moments that you think 'wow that was a weird coincidence' well weird or not is there a message there for you that you may or may not be seeing or hearing...
I can't really remember how long I have conciously been living my life this way, and I have to say that there are certainly times that I don't follow the signs or I am afraid to take the path that I am shown or even that my big human ego just gets in the way and causes me to hesitate. But most of the time and in most areas of my life, I try to follow the leads that I feel I am shown and when I trust in that process and walk the path of my heart I have never been disappointed yet.
What I do remember about conciously starting to live this way is questioning if what I think are 'signs' really are, or whether perhaps I am making it so or, worst of all, I was just going a little crazy and no one had picked up on it yet!! I can't say that any of those things have been proven or not but what I do know is that the more I trusted in what I felt were my signs and followed up on what I felt I should do, the more clear my path has become and the more synchronistic moments appear in my life.
As lovely as I think I may be making it all sound, it has certainly not always been easy - there have been times in the past few years that I have been so sure of what I am doing only to get to a point that I found myself lost and disillusioned, feeling as though I had been shown the way to my own utopia, my dreams realised, my path to success only to have it all stall and stagger and make me question what is real and what is my own illusion or perhaps de-lusion.....
But wait!! Not all is doom and gloom and as most people know, with the 20/20 vision of hindsight I am able to sit back, sigh, and know that yes, I was doing EXACTLY what I was meant to be doing at that time and that my guidance radar was not broken or wrong as I thought it might be at the time.
What I realise now is that I had lessons to learn, a journey of discovery to undertake, and that as much as I would like to control EVERYTHING along the way, apparently that is not the case and part of my main lesson this time around is to just keep on following those synchronistic moments, taking the steps and stages as they come so that I can keep standing here in THIS moment, able to look back and see that my life and my journey are leading me to the places I see in my dreams but the paths that I must take will be unfolded and illuminated as they need to be and really, my only job (the one I find the hardest of all) is to follow the signs and trust the process....

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, Goddess. We have to trus t the process. My main problem is that I over think things and don't trust my instinct enough. Oh well, it's all a learning journey.

    Thanks for your blog. I really like it.



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