Sunday 8 July 2012

How Do You Measure Success?

Success...What does it mean to you? Does it hold meaning for you or is it something that other people worry too much about?
I have recently started reading a book by a fabulous and insightful man called Robert Holden who is a 'Happiness Coach' called 'Authentic Success' and although I am only in the first chapter, I have already started to look at my own success with new eyes. Robert Holden says that success is a journey, not a destination - yes I know that we have all heard that term before BUT I have never heard it used about success.
Even the very few pages that I have read so far have me questioning my own drive to success, what I consider success in myself and what I would consider success in others. Once again I see that while I hold impossibly high, never ending standards for myself, I would happily and wholeheartedly celebrate ANYTHING that someone else considers as success. Does this mean I am failing at my own success???
I am hopeful that through the wisdom, the path walked and the lessons learned before me, that Robert Holden may lead me to find the answer of what I would consider my own success. I do think that perhaps I would break down success in my own life into 2 different categories - personal success and professional success and while I'm not sure that I would think one was enough without the other and while I realise that I am always striving towards success in both areas, I wonder if I would be satisfied with reaching a certain level or measure of success for one or the other. (who am I kidding, even as I type that I hear in my mind 'AS IF!!!!
Hmmm I think that while I have 'succeeded' in achieving pretty much most things I have set my mind to in my life, if I am truly, brutally honest I do not consider myself 'successful' and I wonder why??
The only answer that I can come up with is that I don't actually know what 'success' looks like to me or perhaps how it is that I measure my own success. I know that for me personal success would mean finally being able to accept myself, certainly physically, exactly as I am at any time and yet with all that I know and as hard as I strive I still can't say what it would take to find that acceptance.
And what about in the professional arena?? What does success look like for me there? I know that there have been times in my life that I have 'checked the boxes' only to find that once I had reached the goals I had set myself, as selfish as I felt, it did not seem enough.
I think for now I will go back to my book, learn what I can from the kinship that I feel with Robert Holden as for me he speaks many truths and switches on many light bulb moments and for now perhaps I will try and view success from a different perspective and decide that just the fact that I am here, writing a blog, sharing with anyone who cares to read it, working towards my never ending goals. At the very least I am doing these things and wherever they may lead, I should consider the fact that I even got started is some sort of success within itself..........

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